Dharwad simplifies norms for land conversion

In a move that could have implications for the process of land acquisition for industry, the Dharwad district administration has introduced a system to prevent delay in processing applications linked to land conversion.
The Deputy Commissioner, Mr Darpan Jain said that though according to Section 95 of the Karnataka Land Revenue Act, 1964, permission for conversion of land use had to be granted within 45 days, the current method was causing unnecessary delay and there was no means for the applicant to know the status of his application.
Mr. jain further said, “We have decided to re-engineer the process of land use conversion so that the process is simple and on the spot”.
Under the new system, applications for land conversion from applicants in Hubli and Dharwad would be collected at a counter established on the premises of the Deputy Commissioner’s office. In the remaining three taluks of the district, applications would be accepted at the counters established in the offices of tahsildars, he added.
He said that a single counter for Hubli and Dharwad would save the time lost in forwarding applications from the tahsildar’s office to the Deputy Commissioner’s office.
Under the system, details of applications would be entered into a computer system and application would be verified taking into account the enclosed documents, the number of which had already been reduced.

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